Human Deletions and Penile Spines

Does Size Matter? Sexual Dimorphism in Human Evolution

Michael Plavcan (University of Arkansas) and myself discuss and debate our differing views on early hominid sexual dimorphism and behavior.

View the webcast here.



New Paper in PeerJ on Au. afarensis dimorphism

    Lucy or Brucy? - Write up on

     Penn State News

Lab member Caltherine Roberts' class project: "What in the World is Biological Anthropology?"

Boston University Dialogue Series

Kelsey Kjosness receives NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant

Allison Machnicki receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

For study of vertebral transitions in apes, humans and Hox mutant mice

"Evolutionary and developmental influences on skeletal maturation and internal structures"

Allison Machnicki receives Wenner-Gren dissertation fieldwork grant

"Evolution and Development of the Hominoid Thoracolumbar Transition"

Allison Machnicki receives NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant

"Evolution and Development of the Hominoid Thoracolumbar Transition"

Reno Lab receives NSF Biological Anthropology grant

"Evolution and Development of the Hominoid Wrist" (BCS-1638812, $233,599, Doug Menke, University of Georgia, Co-PI)

Phil Reno takes new position at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, July 1, 2017

Associate Professor of Anatomy, Department of Biomedical Sciences

"Mechanisms of Growth Plate Patterning Revealed by Natural Variation in Mammalian Ossification" (IOS-1656315, $800,000)

Reno Lab receives NSF Integrative Organismal Systems grant

PCOM Commemorates Darwin Day

Reno Lab research used to promote evolution by PCOM

Reno Lab Collaborates with High School Students on Mütter Museum Exhibit

High school students in the TEVA STEM Internship programs work with Phil Reno to explore the evolution and development of the human and vertebrate spine.

Learn more about Mütter Museum and the student internship programs thier Center for Education.

Reno Lab Students Present at PCOM 2023 Research Day

BMS students Sherrie Wallace and Sarah Doelp and DO student David Peters present their research on gene expression in the growth plate. Sherrie Wallace is recognised with the David Miller, DO '60 Masters in Biomedical Science Award.

Sherrie Wallace

Sarah Doelp

David Peters